Not a "mission statement". But things we wanted to do. Create. Be. In our lives.
Statements. Quotes. Thoughts A MANIFESTO for our lives going forward. Things we were going to add to our lives. Not goals. Create. Things we wanted to read. Some of them were things we wanted to do to send our lives into the future.
Truth be told, I kinda forgot about it. Then I think was last year. She sent me an old e-mail with our manifesto. I just laughed
There was a list of things/statements/goals we were going to do. In reading over it, we did bring a few of the "mantra's" into our lives. Yet some of them, just made me smile.
What I really remember on that manifesto?
The things we said we we wanted to do that were new experiences for us.
One was take a visitor from out of town to view the sunset from the downtown Hyatt bar.
I hate going downtown, but try to show other people our city. I try.
I guess the manifesto was about living life to the fullest. Trying new things.
We didn't really incorporate it much into our lives.
The one other thing that sticks out is the following:
- Go to the Mile High Flea Market
My first thought when she sent this to me again was "And why were we going to the flea market?"
We talked about this and laughed. We had no idea how this had made the "Manifesto List"
But then she sent me this article yesterday:
Truly, these are inspirational Manifestos. Nothing near our thoughts. Ours were more of goals.
But truly. My first thought? Not one of them has an "Attend a Flea Market on them. How could this be a good manifesto?". Something must be wrong with these people.
Okay - I tried to find it. But I have a new computer. I have an old one too - no place to be found. No wonder true "collectors" kept piles of newspaper clippings in their house or letters. Now. we just file it away and then we can never find it again on a computer. Maybe it is the same thing as a garage - only easier to clean.
With computers, you just pick them up and throw them away. We all think when we are old we are going to sit around going through these things. I don't think we really will.
We still haven't made it to the flea market.