Saturday, July 1, 2017

Dear Lily

Dear Lily,

My sweet daughter from another mother. What can I say?

What can I say to the beautiful young woman I have known since you were "a girl".

A girl I talked into wearing a hula outfit to meet her "brothers". "Brothers" none of us knew you had at the time.

A daughter I will love like no other - as YOU were "loaned" to me.

You have a mom and a dad. But the "Souls" of the world thought we should connect. 

And am I SOOOO glad.

You bring me joy. You make my heart smile. And the guilt I feel for breaking your heart is something I will always have to bare.

In my little world, I didn't break your heart until a few weeks ago. Before that, it was on your dad. 

But, what I realized in these last few days.......

We (meaning you and I) aren't going any place in life without each other. 


I LOVE how you tell the story of how we all meet. Your Uncle Barney, Me, Your Dad, You, Trudee, The girls, then the boys.
"It was love at first sight"

I soooo remember you standing there saying those words. Looking at your dad and I. With all the hopes and dreams a 12 year old can muster.

I believed it too. I still do believe it.

Only, we had the souls misaligned.

For you see my dear girl, it was your soul speaking to mine. "It was love at first sight".

Life sometimes has a way of tarnishing things, but not this one. This is one promise I can keep.

It was our souls (meaning you and me) whom were meant to meet.

Your summer mama forever.

Olive Juice,


(my sweet girl, I know. This isn't the ending you wanted. But I CAN promise you, this one is forever....)

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