College Lined
On the top of the first page in PENCIL, I wrote
Upgrading. 2015
(If I don't type straight into the computer, I write in pencil. I don't like pens. I'm not sure if it's my commitment issues or if it's a sensory thing. I don't like mechanical pencils. I like good old fashioned Number 2 pencils. I still own an electric pencil sharpener.)
Then underneath the title, I wrote down everything I was going to accomplish this year:
- Pay off last years taxes
- Pay this years taxes in advance
- Put money away for retirement
- Put money away for boys college
- Put some money away for 2016 - as it's going to take a couple of years of savings for 2016
- Take a trip
- Paint office
Really, that was it. I wanted to upgrade my life. It was going to be all about work. Getting ahead instead of just maintaining.
Looking back, the real theme was Upgrading.
AND - I did it.
I checked off the list.
I lived in Hawaii for 5 weeks, by myself. (Trying to transition into my next stage of life)
I had things fixed around the house. A new roof. Some repairs. I would say an upgraded stereo system, but I didn't have one before - now I have a super one.
Ghetto cable was replaced by Internet TV (and it's actually cheaper than the old)
As always, I think of New Years Eve as a wrap up of the previous year. Not a start.
Tomorrow is the start.
My list has been checked off.
I'm working on next years goals. I have some good ideas. I think we are going to repeat around here. Repeats are sometimes the best shows to watch. This one is going to involve some planes and trains and bikes and automobiles and running shoes and goggles and Olympic stadiums. And maybe, just maybe, some skis.........
Happy New Year
PS - the office never got painted. I think I'm okay with that. Maybe next year......