Of course, all the things that flutter across my mind, don't make sense. These are not logical thoughts. Actually, they are logical thoughts, but a bit of over-thinking.
Not over-thinking of the stuff I should be over-thinking. You know, not:
- How's my retirement doing?
- What is the best ACT/SAT prep class out there for my kids? I should research that more.
- Am I focused enough on work?
- What can I do to make my business grow?
- Where am I going to move after the kids are gone to college? Or should I wait until after college.
Those BORING things we NEED to do. The things that we SHOULD think about. I just don't. My life just works out, not going to over think it.
No, my mind works more like this:
I'm driving to get groceries and I think of a couple of more things I need. Only two seconds later I have NO idea (as in NOT A CLUE) what I was going to add to the list. (No list = it doesn't make it home).
Oh, then I see some graffiti on an over pass. In the middle of the bridge. In the middle of the space between the top and the "space". How do they get there? Do they hang upside down on the freeway and spray paint? Do they go to graffiti school as in I think all the graffiti looks the same. Is there a class for this?
Oh, look there is another pot shop - let's count how many pot shops we can spot in the next mile.
Crap, green light - I just remembered what I was going to add to the grocery list and I need to write it down before I forget again. Oh well, maybe it will come back before I get to the store.
I really love the song on the radio. Only I don't ever know the titles or the artist. Oh, wait, this song sounds just like the one that makes me think of the second summer in Hawaii. You know the one! Why can't I think of it!!
I'm at the grocery store. Where's that list?
My brain makes me really tired.
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