Sunday, December 21, 2014

This time of year

From previous experience, I have learned December is a busy month. Almost everyone I know realizes December is busy.

Usually, I'm able to roll with it. 

At my house, we have the end of the year school activities. Now the boys are in high school - there are finals before break. Duncan's birthday is half way through the month - adding a few more things to do. If Christmas cards aren't ordered before Thanksgiving, they just aren't going to happen.

Of course, it is also hockey season. Only this year, the both played on club teams. Teams that normally run until the end of February. However, due to the higher levels teams they made this year, they end early, so those players can go play high school hockey. Meaning, that this year, hockey season was wrapping up also in December. The good news is, both teams made the play-offs. Both teams lost in the state finals. Then the high school hockey team practices started in early November. Meaning, I have two sons on three teams. The week of play-offs, the week before finals, the week before Duncan's birthday - there were 12 games in 7 days. I was exhausted.

And I didn't even play!

Then, it's Sunday afternoon. Apparently I didn't attend enough sporting events and went to watch the Broncos play. It's cloudy with light snow. I'm meeting some girlfriends at the Cricket. A local dive burger bar. I have my yoga clothes on. My hair is clean and curly. I'm not sure if I have make up on or not.

I take a seat at the bar waiting for my friends. I start talking to the guy next to me. (Yes, this is a common theme in my life).

Long story short:  My girlfriends arrive and we stay sitting at the bar. We eat. We watch the game. The game is over. The whole time I'm still talking to the guy next to me.

My friends leave. Still talking. I look up and it's now 10pm. I don't do anything for 8 hours - yet, I've been sitting here. 

Turns out he's pilot for United. Flies the San Fran to Asia route. He was here for training. Leaving on Tuesday.

I tell him about my insane week and how nothing extra gets fit in this time of year. He wants to know if I can go to dinner the next night. Can't do it. It's Duncan's birthday, plus I have one more hockey game.

People always tell us, just ask. Ask the one more question. So, I reply, "Do you have to leave on Tuesday?" He says, "No, I don't fly again until Sunday".

He stayed the week. We went to dinner every night after Monday. I took him to the airport on Friday afternoon on my way to yet another hockey game.

I was a "little" behind on some things - I'm now at least two weeks behind on everything. I'm blaming it on the time of year.

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