Friday, May 15, 2015

My mom friends

I wrote this post before, but I don't know what happened. It disappeared. So, it will be different but the essence will be the same.

Once upon a time, I became a mom.

Then I met other women whom also had become a mom.

My life is filled with all kinds of people:  with kids, without kids, married, single, never married, divorced, those whom never gave birth, but have kids, young, old, giving, selfish.

I consider myself very lucky. I have good friends. Of course, I do always say, "I make a good friend, therefore, I have good friends".

My "mom" friends though are another "sub-set" of my friends. These are women I know - wait, make that met - from my sons. They became my friends because our children knew each other. These are not "friends of my mom"

These are women whom we met at the lunch table. Or while standing in the middle of street pregnant with our second child. Or on a playground.

My "mom friends" came to me through my sons.

In fact, one mom, whom I actually doing some work with is still programmed in my phone as "Sam's Parents". Their house phone shows up too. Finally, a few years ago, I added her name. As she said, "What, I get my OWN place in your phone?"

Her husband takes Duncan hunting. We spend holidays together. We've kinda raised our kids together.

No, no "kinda". We have been through all this together.

The other day, she told her husband, "If anything happens to me, you call Leasa. Make that your first call", "she will make sure everything is handled."

She told me (when telling me this story), "He looked at me like I was crazy".

That's okay.

I'll handle it. Us mom's have to stick together.

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