Tuesday, June 9, 2015

One Chance

One Chance

One Moment

One ticket to the big dance.

One opportunity.

We think this is what life is like. We have a split second to make a decision or we will have regrets for the rest of our life. Right?  That's what society tells us. Go, or you will miss your opportunity.


Yes, you heard it from the daydream believer. Maybe.

Maybe not.

Yes, some opportunities are in the moment. The last football game of your senior year. Yes, that moment is the last one you will EVER have.

BUT, there are also other moments coming in your life.

No, it won't be THAT moment. THAT moment you were in granted in life. THAT chance you had to stand on the field of a play-off game your senior year in high school.

You were sick that night. You missed that night. Or you were there, when there were three seconds left in the game and your team won. You had THAT moment. No one ever tells you, "You will get many 'moments' in life.

Then though, we get caught up in "what if I DON"T do this?" "What if this opportunity is presenting itself and I'll never get another one?"

This is where we get stuck in the next phase of our life. In my opinion anyway.

I keep thinking, if I don't commit to whatever the situation is, I'm going to miss it.

My youngest son turns 16 this summer. I'm going to have two teenagers driving. They have a car to share. I have a car that is 10 years old.

I was thinking it's time for a new to me car.

You know, the fun little car, I haven't had in a long time........

I've been pretending to look for cars for a bit. Pretending to also not to look.

The right car will find me.

I found the car I wanted. Met every, single specification I wanted.

Only - it's JUNE!

I don't want a car until August.

Today, I was in a panic.  I wanted this car.

I wanted this guy

I wanted this start-up to work

I wanted it all to work out TODAY. I might miss my moment.

Then I quit holding my breath.

I'll live if this someone else buys my car (although it's white!), and someone else marries the guy I wanted.

There are other start-ups, other guys and definetly other cars.

There is more than one chance.  This I know.

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