Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What do you think?

I get annoyed with people who can't commit.

Can't commit to one thing or the other.

Where do you want to go to dinner? I don't know? Where do you want to go.

I want to go to the Sushi Den.

That's not where I want to go.


Life is short. Life is simple. Life can be complicated. BUT, if you are going to ask me, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER?"

Then, I tell you what I want for dinner.

PLEASE, do not ask me any more questions. Someone else, PLEASE, make a decision.

I will be happy with HOWEVER you make dinner. The other alternative is, well, I'll make dinner myself.

Tonight, I get a text:

"What do you think?"

My first thought? What do I think of WHAT?"

But to respond to Peter Pan with that answer would give him hope. Would give me hope. Would give us all hope.

I should just respond: Of what?


Wait on that answer.

"What do I think?"

I finally respond:  "We should bomb the shit out of Syria. What do you think?"


Then there is nothing but silence.

We bombed the answer to this question years ago.

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