I've got it all planned.
Duncan leaves in August to play hockey not officially yet sure where. There are several options. College has been deferred for a year. Even if he plays junior hockey here in Colorado, he will go live with another family.
Brodie/Ambrose leaves in February. Off to his "Olympic training". His graduation is August 2017
Nolan leaves in August of 2017. To either college or play hockey.
It's all planned.
The basement is rented for the summer. The job is going well. The travels for the summer are booked.
What IF?
What if something changes? What if Nolan goes away this fall. We have scouts calling.
I warned him, if he goes, the dog goes with him.
What about finishing high school?
There is online school now. There is independent study. Don't let school get in the way of an education.
Others have done this route.
My sister never finished high school. She lived in Germany for a year. Came back and got her GED. (BTW, she now has her PhD and turned out fine).
These days, you don't have to "quit" - you do things "differently" than the "norm"
We've always done things different than the norm.
What if, things don't go according to plan?
What if, this is the last summer of the DNL adventures.
The "planner" (aka Martha Stewart) in me is going crazy.
The gypsy girl knows this will all be fine.
BUT, what if? I don't have another year?????
What if, I buy that condo in Kona?
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