We have millions of miles across these great United States. In the last three weeks, I've driven over 3600 miles.
I was able to check off four states - four states, in the "I've never been there before" states.
Absolutely. You - everyone, should go see our wonderful United States of America. All of them.
During Phase I of the road trip, I was in Idaho and Montana. Two states I've never visited.
Phase II: Alabama and Mississippi.
As much as I've been restless in my life. As much as I've been bored. There is something to be said for where I live now.
I arrive back home in Denver, Colorado. Friends were gathering at a backyard cocktail party.
I pulled out of the parking lot at Denver International Airport, and all I could think was:
This is the BEST city in the WHOLE world. It was 79 degrees, I took the top off the car. I swear to you, I wanted to stand up and sing.
If I EVER complain about this city again, everyone has permission to tell me: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR.
What a beautiful city.
Sometimes, we go searching for things. Sometimes, we shut those things down. Sometimes, we are offered cities to visit and we have to say: No Thanks.
Or we go.
And explore.
Then we come home. To the place where we were supposed to be all along.
Sometimes we say to ourselves: Did you find me, while you were looking for yourself out there?
Not you.
Sometimes, we catch a glimpse of an alternative universe.
How it would have turned out, if you had made a different choice.
Take it from me, pass it by.
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