Saturday, October 31, 2015


Seasonal Affective Disorder - basically, you get sad at the same time every year. (Click on the link for the real definition)

This term bothers me.

First of all:  Affective - I think they just wanted to come up with an acronym that worked.

Why would it be Affective? It's A MADE UP WORD!

Of course, it is a made up word. Made up by people whom need to tell us something is wrong with us.

Nolan is taking a Psychology class. He was reviewing different disorders: alcoholism, addiction, depression, SAD, etc

We were reviewing them for his test.

We got to SAD and he said: you have SAD.

I replied, "what makes you think that."

"You get sad during the winter."

"Explain", I say.

"You aren't the mom you usually are."

"Do you think this from your whole life, or did it start after Hawaii?"

"Oh, it was definitely Hawaii." "You love your life here, but you can tell, you love it there."

"Still?", I reply

He just smiles at me. Tilts his head and nods.

Hmm, I think. I thought I was better at hiding things.....

1 comment:

  1. The clearer one sees their future self...the more obvious it is when they are not where they are supposed to be. That will make us SAD.
