Something I like to do. Something I'm good at.
Planning is actually an art.
If you plan too much - you almost become controlling. Things - anything - needs to go a certain way.
It's great - almost expected - for things to go as planned. Down to the last detail.
I believe earlier this summer I wrote: I'm done planning. I'm letting it all go.
Only, it's not in me to let it go. I like to have a plan.
I also realize, I just like an idea of what is going to happen. Not every little detail needs to be made. That's where we disappoint ourselves.
We don't realize all the "perfection" already in the making - we look at the one imperfection.
In June, we signed up Nolan to be a CCI puppy raiser. We went through the whole process. We got our call. Ambrosia was headed our way.
Ambrosia is a black lab/retriever mix. Female. Born on 8/22/15.
I had requested a blonde male.
As we know though, life doesn't always give us want we want.
"Rosie" was set to arrive today. We were ready. Had all her supplies. Her name tag. Everything.
Only, I get a call this morning. A frantic person calling from the executive offices of CCI. There had been a mix up.
My heart sank.
What was I to tell Nolan?
The handlers put the female black puppy in the other shipping crate and the male in ours. Was a male okay?
I laughed. I told her I had wanted a boy all along.
What's his name? Ambrose. - Ambrosia's brother.
That's a horrible name. I thought this immediately. The boys both said the same thing.
I told her it was fine. We are happy with any baby. It's funny though how your head totally spins in a different direction. We got something we were expecting. Something we were expecting taken away.
She called the other people after us to make sure it was okay with them. I did tell her, will you please connect us to the puppy raisers of Ambrosia, as now we need to know the other side of the story.
We picked up Ambrose - "Brodie" at 1:30 this afternoon.
Everything is going to be alright. As we know, sometimes life works out even better than planned.....
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