Saturday, October 8, 2016

You Didn't Know?

On the day of Hil's funeral, I receive a text from a childhood friend of mine.

The text stated:

Thinking of you today. Wanted you to know it.

That day -  September 3, 2016 - was probably one of the worst days of my life.

It was as horrible and beautiful as you can imagine.

A friend of mine, her son committed suicide. I'm not quite sure how to describe the emotion as I love this child as if he was one of my own. I also love this family as they were my family. They are family. Only they don't have any blood relation to mine.

Fast forward.

I finally call my childhood friend whom sent me the text. We've been friends since we were 10 years old. She's on Facebook, but not really. She doesn't check in too often.

I called her to tell her thank you for her text that day. It really meant bunches. I was being the backbone to my friend and knew my other friends had me covered.

The first thing I say:

Thank you so much for sending me the text the day you did of Hil's funeral. It meant so much.

She replied:
What do you mean?

I explained about Hil's death - even though I had posted it on Facebook - she didn't know what I referring too.

I figured she had seen it on Facebook and sent me a note. She said she didn't know what I was talking about. She felt the need to let me know that someone was thinking about me.

We've been friends since we were ten years old. We all have dark moments. It's nice to know people know we need them beyoned being ten.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Don't tell anyone

I started a new contract position for recruiting last week.

Sorta an employee, just no benefits. Hourly rates.

And the most honest, breath-relasing moment was the thought that popped in my head.

Ah, this feels really, really nice.

The last few months of my life have provided tons of sadness and anxiety. I do want to write more about moments these last few months - but we have been in survival mode around here.

But this.

This "job"

This " guy I've been dating"

This "backbone I always knew I had"

This "backbone of community I knew was here"

Have given me a whole new perspective on life. In life.

Shh..... don't tell anyone. I haven't slept in months. I've gained some stress weight. And I've worked my whole life to be right here.

Shh.... this is where you find out what you are really made of.

Don't tell anyone, but now that I'm here. I always knew I was this capable.  

Monday, September 19, 2016

Growing Up

When you sign in for security on a website - one of the security questions is:

What street did you grow up on?

I have an easy answer. I lived on the same street for quite a bit while I was in elementary school. That street is the one I usually name.

Although, I've been thinking a lot about this question lately.

If Peter Pan and I were ever asked how we knew each other, I would always reply:

We grew up together

Only, in "practical" terms, I didn't meet him until I was 32. But if you were to ask me today, I would still give you the same answer. "We grew up together."

The street I live on now - I've lived here for longer than I've ever lived any other time in my life. I do wonder what military family kids think of "as the street they grew up on"

I was raised thinking that "grew up on" meant "the longest time you spent in a place".

I've realized "growing up" has nothing to do with age. Or how long you have been in one place.

It has to do with how much you grew. And where you grew.

I may have been raised in Texas, but I grew up here.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

No words

There have been no posts lately. As there have been no words.

Last Sunday, August 28, 2016 there was another death in our little bubble of a community.

Something no one saw coming.


An 18 year old family friend. Friend of Duncan's. We are friends with the family. As in, a friends family we were all supposed to be in Rhode Island with for Labor Day. Wait - the kids weren't going - just us adults.

There are no words for the heartbreak our neighborhood has been hit with these last two months.

There were some okay moments during all of this. Moments that and will continue to make us smile.

The words will come again. I do still have some wonderful Olympic stories to share.

But for now, there are no words.....

Friday, August 19, 2016

Hey Media

I don't like telling other people what to do.

As I don't like being told what to do.

But, I can't hold this one in. I think this is how my letter would read:

Dear Network Providers:

Thank you for the great coverage of the Olympics. HOWEVER, you owe RIO a HUGE apology.

We didn't even SEE a mosquito, much less worry about the Zika virus. 

Having been to the Olympics, it would be a "hard thing" for ANY city to pull off. Much less a city in an under-developed country with NO infrastructure.

People kept posting stories about all the bad things going on in Rio.

Let me tell you something:

RIO - you were a class act. From the people to the food to the transportation. If I was from Brazil, I'd be proud. 

I'm proud as an American. 

Rio, you didn't pretend to know English. You only marked things up moderately - you could have raised the prices much higher.

It was beautiful. 

ALL of it. 

Hey Media, you should apologize. You called this one wrong.....


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Taking your time

When you are getting ready to go on a trip, there are tons of "last minute" details.

Things you THINK you have accomplished, but are still missing a few pieces. I needed to get these things done:

  • Pick up snacks for the plane
  • Return a dress to Nordstrom Rack
  • Wash clothes
  • Clean the bathroom (don't want to come home to a dirty house!)
  • Notify the bank/credit card companies we will be traveling
  • Let the cell phone company know you are traveling too
We are packing. Cleaning. Washing clothes. Doing the things we always do before a trip.

I mentioned to my oldest, we need to go to the bank and get some temporary debit cards. The bank will give you temporary cards and a "travel" account. That way, if you lose a card, they only have access to a certain amount of money. PLUS, you have a couple of cards that will only work with PIN numbers.

It was a beautiful day.

He says, "It's so pretty. Can we ride our bikes?"

I think I choked.

This kid has only grunted at me between the times of being really sweet. He wants to go on a bike ride with me???

Of course we can ride our bikes to the bank! Make sure they have air in the tires!!

Then he replies,

Well first, I need to make sure I can find my helmet.

This from the young man whom hasn't worn his helmet on his bike in years.

We put on our helmets. We got on our bikes and went and got our temporary debit cards.

This wasn't last minute. We didn't rush.

We took our time. We enjoyed our ride.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Greater than I

There is a quote, we all "misquote". The rendition of the quote I know is,

I think most of us know this quote.

While at the memorial service for Cole last week, Father Patrick brought this quote into his sermon.

This a Catholic Priest. I'm paraphrasing here, but, what I remember him saying:

People misuse this quote (after he had said the quote). Then he says, it's not true. If God were NOT to give you something you can't handle - there would be no suicides. God gives me things everyday I can't handle.

Father Patrick then continues on:

He may give ME something I can't handle. BUT, he won't give US - the community, this group of people, etc. Something WE can't handle.

Father Patrick had another great story relating a biblical tale to us the next day at the Mass funeral service.

Cole was here to remind us there are things greater than I.