Saturday, July 1, 2017

Dear Lily

Dear Lily,

My sweet daughter from another mother. What can I say?

What can I say to the beautiful young woman I have known since you were "a girl".

A girl I talked into wearing a hula outfit to meet her "brothers". "Brothers" none of us knew you had at the time.

A daughter I will love like no other - as YOU were "loaned" to me.

You have a mom and a dad. But the "Souls" of the world thought we should connect. 

And am I SOOOO glad.

You bring me joy. You make my heart smile. And the guilt I feel for breaking your heart is something I will always have to bare.

In my little world, I didn't break your heart until a few weeks ago. Before that, it was on your dad. 

But, what I realized in these last few days.......

We (meaning you and I) aren't going any place in life without each other. 


I LOVE how you tell the story of how we all meet. Your Uncle Barney, Me, Your Dad, You, Trudee, The girls, then the boys.
"It was love at first sight"

I soooo remember you standing there saying those words. Looking at your dad and I. With all the hopes and dreams a 12 year old can muster.

I believed it too. I still do believe it.

Only, we had the souls misaligned.

For you see my dear girl, it was your soul speaking to mine. "It was love at first sight".

Life sometimes has a way of tarnishing things, but not this one. This is one promise I can keep.

It was our souls (meaning you and me) whom were meant to meet.

Your summer mama forever.

Olive Juice,


(my sweet girl, I know. This isn't the ending you wanted. But I CAN promise you, this one is forever....)

The Sirens

One of the first books I picked up this summer was entitled "The Sirens".

It sounded like a mermaid book to me. Only half way through, I relized it was teen-lit and also about a whole different subject.

I had never heard of "Sirens" - completely different than mermaids. They were/are sirens.

Maybe instead of dying, my "siren" let me come to shore.

Friday, June 30, 2017

The joy of summer mornings

I do have other stories to tell from the craziness of the last week.

BUT, this morning.......

I woke up with 4 teenage boys here - well, really young men. Some young ladies down the street walking over for breakfast.

Last night I was wondering what I was thinking having all these teenagers come visit. What was wrong with me? Didn't I learn this already?

I woke up to joy. Happiness. Chaos. Moments I love so dear.

And I did learn this already. I learned I love this. That being alone here on the island is not what belongs. These moments are to be shared. These moments that are now their memories too.

This doesn't happen in the real world. This happens here.

Saturday, June 24, 2017


One day, this will be a place I 'live"

But for now, it's a place a see new wrinkles on my hands. I see thee scar I EARNED years ago.

I miss the the teenagers. I miss the moments, the summers, that made us well us.


Take that back.

They made me me.

It's funny, out here, when people ask about me. I reply,, "I have two sons and a daughter."

I can't imagine replying any other way..

We are WAAAY past "Summer Daughter"........

When we were young.....

One Day

One day, when I am old, I will tell stories of my time on the island.

I would love to tell, how this island truly stole my heart. You either get it or you don't. You don't live ON this island, you live WITH this island.

I would love to tell the tale of the moment at the restaurant of the woman whom lost her finance last year and was here to celebrate his life on the anniversary of his death. She's paddling with me tomorrow.

I would love to tell the story of the real estate agent whom pulled over as I was walking home. Asking if I needed a ride. I'm sure he thought I was a lot younger and probably disappointed when I got in the car. :-) Oh boy, was he cute!!!!

I would love to tell all the stories of the island majic. To tell the real stories of how the island guy and how his girlfriend is so insecure that we can't be friends.

I would love to tell the truth about the majic.

But that is something only YOU can feel.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Our Age

Almost a year ago, I started dating someone. He lives in Austin. I live in Denver/Kona. It works for us. So far

He came to visit Kona for a week.

He's still getting used to my "gypsy way" of life. Although, he has a bit of it himself. Only he doesn't have a bitter ex-girlfriend whom doesn't understand we all want to friends. Life is simple out here.

He's not a morning person. Which is fine - we all have different "time schedules". Only paddling is at 6:30am. We have to leave the house at 6. Which for me is waking up at 5:45.

Sunrise to Sunset - that's my schedule. Only I have to be up at 3:45 to "start my day"

He paddled with me three days a week. Knowing that someone whom is NOT a morning person, gets up that early, well, that must be some kinda love.....

We paddle. He loves it - or at least tells me he loves it.

We are on a boat - with another fellow Aggie - whom was in school at the same time as me. He works mainland time. He's learned to play the game. Only he's two years older than me.

The guy I'm dating - he states later - you were the youngest one on the boat.

I reply

"I've been the youngest one on the boat for the last 6 years - except for guests"

Hmmm, "Well, where are the people our age?"

"Do they forget about paddling?"
"Do they get lazy?"

Nah, I replied - although I know plenty of lazy people whom don't come to canoe club.....

"They haven't figured out the whole work/life balance"

"They are at work."

Monday, June 19, 2017

My right arm

Paddling helps me breathe.

Not sure if Paddling helps Gypsy. Or The Hockey Mom/Career Woman and/or any of the other personalities whom make me me.

Even if I think I don't want to go, when I'm on the water, I never regret the decision.

Tomorrow, there was a MANDATORY conference call set for the middle of paddling. HOW DARE THEY?

Doesn't work know??? Paddling fills my soul.

I blocked out the time on my calendar for the whole month. Maybe I have the time wrong? Maybe I can still make paddling.

I checked. Checked again.

Nearly faked a doctors appointment - because somehow a meeting with a shrink might be excused, but no one quite understands a meeting with mother nature.

Then, the grown up in me came to terms with the fact that I can miss ONE day of paddling.

You would have thought they had asked me to amputate my arm.