Part of my "foreshadowing" in life, happened tonight.
Back story - and I've talked about it before - there are events, moments and Deja Vu's in our lives. We just don't always listen.
Sometimes I call it "using my power for good". As I believe, we all have the ability to do this - we just don't listen to God, the Universe, the voice in our head - one or all of the above. Either to tell the story, or just keep our mouths shut.
That is, when I do listen. When I listen to that little voice, I'm "Using my powers for good".
Re-entry back to the real world has been as expected. Busy. However, not depressing. Just glad to be back.
BUT, getting back to my other "normal" routine has been a bit difficult.
On the island, I was going to bed at 8 - 9 pm; I had a baby to wake up and take care of. Then I was up at 4 at the latest. Maybe one day at 4:45 for my "baby duty". It was awesome. Tiring. Probably easier because I knew it was only a week.
Upon returning, I've been in bed at the latest at 9:15pm. - COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED. It's all I can do to stay awake until then.
Work is so busy I can't see straight. Wrapping up the hockey season with the banquet tonight. The finale to the inaugural season for the high school team. Back to the real world.
Only, I keep having weird things happen.
I'm thinking about something or someone - then the phone rings telling me what I was thinking about.
Nolan and I were talking about him liking sugar. The next day, there was an article I received about a teenage boy and his sugar addiction and what he did to combat it. (Note, Nolan is under-weight, but still the article was almost verbatim our conversation).
On Tuesday, I woke up at midnight. My first thought? I need to turn off the ringer on my phone. I don't want it to bother me when it goes off. I went to the bathroom, I went back to bed.
Tonight, after the high school banquet, I stopped at my favorite place on the way home. I'm talking to the couple next to me. She's in real estate. We chat for a bit. She then mentions she sold "my crushes" house when he moved from Denver years ago". (Denver's most eligible bachelor - the one whom I've actually quit 'crushing' on). (That's for you Carolyn) I just smiled and let her tell her story.
Tuesday - when I woke up - there were a couple of texts from Peter Pan. I had woken up to turn my phone off.
Tonight - I didn't have the heart to tell her Denver's most eligible bachelor just bought a new place. I guess he didn't call her. She then tells me, "There is a reason I'm supposed to meet you. Do you ever get that feeling?".
I just smiled. "Yes, I know what you mean."
Using my powers for good.
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