Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Towing the line

It sure sucks being a grown-up.

My oldest son is not eligible to play in the play-offs for the high school team.

He missed 5 games for the team. He missed them for club games. (His other team).  He some how thought, it would all work out in the end. First of all, he is my child - of course, it's going to work out for him in the end.  Second of all, he was marked "there" for one of the games. That is, until he told the athletic director, that was mis-marked.

He was honest.

My first thought was: he was punished for telling the truth.

It would have been found out though. Then the whole team would have been disqualified. Yes, it sucks.

However - here is me. Complaining about the lack of ethics in our kids sports today. Here we have an athletic director willing to stand up and say no.

I mentioned to the athletic director that "the rumor is" so and so on the basketball team ended up getting to play. She told me, tell me whom it is, I will not participate in gossip, but I will not also stand for someone whom is lying.

The athletic director called me today and asked me if I had any questions - actually, I didn't. In fact, I told her, I was super proud to be a part of an organization that held true to the rules. I did tell her, however, if I found out, there were exceptions made for other teams or other players on other teams - I would be the first one in her office and there would be hell to pay.

Then I learned the someone had called the athletic director (still not sure, as once again she was professional), only she said "she" three times, and did say maybe it was my sister?cousin? - I digress - and said they could provide a doctors note for a missed game.

Nice. So, we are teaching our child "there are rules, but if they don't fit you, let's see what we can do".

Not my thing. There are exceptions to rules - yes. Always, but rules are rules and I have to admire those whom stay there.

It sucks to be my son right now. Although, he made these choices. He understood the risk.

He was rewarded from being honest, with a punishment. We all know it would have come out in the end.

I'm proud that he think this sucks. I'm proud he's taking it. The athletic director is standing up for the rules.

The problem is, good behavior for being honest is not rewarded.

However, he knew the rules going in.

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