I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people that make you feel all alone.
That quote stung when I read it. I think of so many people whom stay in "friendships" or maybe they are called "situations"or even "relationships" because they don't know how to get out. They don't understand the power of true friendships. They don't understand the situation they are in is worse than the opportunities available. (Yoo Hoo, Peter Pan, this would be you).
I have incredible friends. Period.
Months can pass. In fact, months on months - making that years, but that doesn't change our friendships. We understand our friendships.
One one of the things you learn later on, friend the "real" friends.
The friends you care so much that they don't care. (I hope that makes sense) The friends whom don't care you act like an idiot, but will throw you in the car, because they know, next week, you will do the same. (And, you won't remind them what you did for them weeks or years ago. You both know it doesn't really matter).
Yes, it's easy to hang out with convenient people - those people in our everyday surroundings. Even when at our core base, we aren't comfortable. Most people try to ignore the feeling.
Maybe it's not the "popular" person.
The person whom doesn't "conform" to society. "They" don't fit "in".
Or friends that understand my life doesn't really fit "in to the norm". It sorta does. It sorta doesn't. But what is most important - I'm comfortable with the way my life looks (most of time - none of us are, all time - we only substitute it with STUFF).
My friends are old. My friends are young. My friends have kids. My friends don't have kids. Some understand, when I say I'm happy to go to the party, but I'm staying there - they don't blink an eye. Some don't understand - why would you stay here?
I have friends caught up in the "fake friend" world. Sure, it's fun. I've been there.
There are trips. Stories. Adventures. Prizes. Then at the end of the night, you are by yourself with a bunch of people whom are also alone with other people. But I figured it out over a decade ago, "it's worse to be with someone and be alone then it will EVER be to be alone."
People whom don't understand what it means when you get a call in the middle of the night for an emergency. Not an emergency of the fake kind, but the real kind.
The kind that drive 500 miles to pick up their dog. The dog that can can stay with them for 3 months.Whom might die. She's almost twelve. The kind whom will undertake the moment and embrace it. The ones that know what to do.
The friend whom stands in the parking lot and cries. Because, you understand everything changes from this moment on.
My friends, they understand a world where you can be lonely with other people. People whom understand a change is worth it all. A world where it might end up being shorter, but will be more complete.
My friends are real. Real people whom tell you a funny story - and it makes your day. And really, for some reason, she's not your "real friend", you might not even know her name, but SO authentic with you, why of course she is your friend. Real people.
Because, we don't have friends who make us feel all alone. No matter the age.
We have friends whom make us feel whole. We have friends like that.