Thursday, October 16, 2014

It's complicated

I was "chatting" with a friend of mine in London the other day. We were on instant messenger.

I've known him a long time. In fact, I don't even think I was pregnant with Nolan when I met him. We worked together.

He and his girlfriend had met in St Louis. Moved to Denver. Both were from "the other side of the pond" - I believe she was from Slovenia. He was from England.

I worked with him. My children's dad and I did several things with them. We knew them for years.

We got divorced. He and his girlfriend broke up. We went out a couple of times. But I'm not sure either of us really knew how to act in this situation - so we did what I commonly do, we became friends.

He moved back to Europe a few years ago. We've never lost touch. In fact, we all went to dinner together in London in the Spring. He bought Duncan a pint of beer. I remember him saying to the boys "wow, you grew up!"

In our messaging we were talking about dating and he is dating this woman. Then he says "It's complicated".

The first thing I respond is "Is she married?"

"She has twin 17 year olds" "She never married, but is with her partner of 18 years".

We chat for a bit about this. I didn't ask if this "partner" was male or female - as in the USA when someone says "partner" - I assume, business or same sex. However, across the world "partner" can  mean all sorts of things.

Of course though, my grandfather always called his grand-sons his "partners" - to me, that is what "partner" really means".

See, it's not complicated. It's love.

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