Friday, October 17, 2014

When we are home

When I'm out on my adventures - I don't ever miss anything. I don't miss my house. I don't miss my friends, because with communication the way it is today, we still communicate. I don't miss my kids - as they are usually with me. I don't miss work.

I'm perfectly content being out exploring the world.

It's when I'm home, I miss things.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

I don't think I'm missing out on things when I'm home, but I start to miss things that I'm not doing. With him.

I start to miss traveling. I do really miss the airport - the watching of people. Random strangers connecting. Flights that can take you to far away destinations or quick adventures.

I miss my adventures. Not that I don't have them at home. The adventures are just different when you are in a different place.

I miss my family when I'm home. My extended family. My boys when they are at their dads. I actually miss them when they are at school too (even though they drive me nuts when we are together).

I miss things that aren't real. I miss people whom aren't present.

Peter Pan was in town this weekend. I didn't see him. But it made me think. It's funny - he lives half a world away. He lives with a girlfriend. He says he's not happy - but he doesn't make the change. I could on and on about this story - as it never seems to go away.

Truth be told though, we probably text every other week. Some times we do go three weeks, but not much more without reaching out to each other.

He's out having adventures too. He's living his life.

But when he gets home.

He's in his childhood room. In his childhood house.  He's safe. I'm the one to whom he calls or texts. I always know when he's home.

The texts/calls are different. He can let himself me vulnerable.

It's us truly missing each other.

He was here this week. He left on Tuesday night. He had texted me at midnight Monday night - after a weekend of texts, asking if he could stop by.

I replied "Nope".

It was the middle of the night.

We only miss each other when we are at home.


I sent him a text last night. Of course, I'm home - and he's safe for me to miss now. He is also back to his life. He was in Boston - he had an emergency appendectomy - he had been internally bleeding for over a day. His girlfriend was not in town. I'm the first person he let know after surgery.

He nearly died. He was in surgery for over 5 hours.

I couldn't breathe - as of course, the person I am felt guilty for not letting him come over. Maybe I would have known something was wrong.

But I was home, missing him.

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