Wednesday, November 19, 2014


The virus is gone from the computer.

From what I can tell, the virus is gone from this website.

Nothing really disappeared. As usual. Things don't usually disappear, they just go into hiding until you need them again.

Then they reappear when you need them. When you least expect them.

Its all just been rearranged. Much like life.

You think life is going to go a certain way. Then it gets rearranged.

You end up getting what you want in life, not just when you want it. I'm a HUGE believer in the fact that life works out the way it is supposed to work out.

Just not always in the time frame we think it should.

Apparently, this blog site thought it should shuffle some blogs around. They were here the whole time.

As usual. As most things are. We just weren't paying attention when things were shuffled.......

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