Thursday, December 10, 2015


I'm a really good connector.

The type of person whom stays in touch - even just briefly.

Of course today, there are many tools at our disposal to connect one person to another. From social, to work, to the neighborhood. (FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, NextDoor). I'm sure there are a million other places too.

Oh yeah, the coffee shop around the corner.

Someone I met, needs to be introduced to someone you know - you introduce them. The rest is up to them.

It's sorta like matchmaking - just not from the romantic side of things.

Today, I received an e-mail from a woman, connecting me to a man whom is looking for a job.

I met this woman at least 10 years ago at apres-ski in Vail. We connected on LinkedIn and have stayed in touch professionally off/on for the last 10 years.

She said she thought she would be out in March and wanted to know if I still skied.

I explained that my sons were in hockey, and that interfered with ski season. I didn't even go into the fact, that I spent my summers in Hawaii now. Something in the budget had to give.

She replies, "Hockey is a great sport." "I went to Miami of Ohio, in fact, I'm good friends with the President of the University. If either of your sons would be interested in playing hockey there, let me know. I'm happy to connect and do what I can to help."

There is a woman in the neighborhood whom also works at home. She's been coming over here to work - as to prevent us from both going stir crazy during the winter.

I received the above e-mail this afternoon. I looked up and said, "God Bless America" oh and Vail, too.

She says, "and the reason for this afternoon blessing?" I tell the story.

Nolan's #1 choice to go play hockey and go to college? Miami of Ohio.

She said, "that's not Vail"

"That's you. Being you. At your best"

Thursday, December 3, 2015


We have to do something.

Something about the "mass shootings/killings".

Something. Anything.

Gun control is not the blanket answer. Do I believe everyone should have the right to buy an Automatic Assault Rifle?

Yes. Absolutely.

Do we really need to sell them? Why does someone need to own one?

There are many other things people can acquire/steal/buy that can blow up the world.

I don't know the answer.

I don't know what the world is going to do to stop the massive violence we are having in the world.

I do know.

Something has got to change.

The "world" tells us, "be the change you want to see in the world."

Change something today.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

One of us

Today, I stopped over at my friends house. My friend whom I personally give full credit to getting me involved in CCI

Brodie and Scooter were able to play. GM and I had a glass of wine. Her husband, came in. Left again to go for a run.

It was play date. A play date for everyone.

This weekend the boys are each going on different hockey game schedule to Salt Lake City. I also booked a ticked to go. (The boys are each riding on their respective team buses. Me? I'm flying)

My great incredible friends live there. These are the friends that you don't talk to for months. Or even years.

You just call and say, "Hey, I'm going to be in town."

Next thing you know, you have 10 people going to a hockey game. You have people saying "Where are you staying?" "There is always room for you.".

And then there is one. The one whom calls her brother-in-law crying. "She's trying to ruin our life." (I guess I'm trying to ruin their life because I want to see my friends?)

The one whom got rid of any extra bed in the house so no one can stay over.

The one whom told me: "I can't handle this right now (I guess that was anyone staying over)." THEN says, "I hope you find happiness in your life."

Huh? I give up. I tried.

Down to my core, I can't be rude. I can't call her on this again. (I seriously think there are many problems).

Her husband's mother and I were sitting up late one night last summer in California. We were talking about life and where we are now. Talking about her sons. Their wives. Her life. My life.

We got to the one wife. We are really not the type to gossip. It wasn't anything in particular. I just clearly remember her saying: "She's just not one us us."

GM asked me if I had met on of the other puppy raisers in particular. I replied that I had not. After telling me a little bit more of us, she says, "She's one of us." You would like her.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What do you think?

I get annoyed with people who can't commit.

Can't commit to one thing or the other.

Where do you want to go to dinner? I don't know? Where do you want to go.

I want to go to the Sushi Den.

That's not where I want to go.


Life is short. Life is simple. Life can be complicated. BUT, if you are going to ask me, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR DINNER?"

Then, I tell you what I want for dinner.

PLEASE, do not ask me any more questions. Someone else, PLEASE, make a decision.

I will be happy with HOWEVER you make dinner. The other alternative is, well, I'll make dinner myself.

Tonight, I get a text:

"What do you think?"

My first thought? What do I think of WHAT?"

But to respond to Peter Pan with that answer would give him hope. Would give me hope. Would give us all hope.

I should just respond: Of what?


Wait on that answer.

"What do I think?"

I finally respond:  "We should bomb the shit out of Syria. What do you think?"


Then there is nothing but silence.

We bombed the answer to this question years ago.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


I guess it is in my blood.

I recruit.

No matter what I'm doing to make money, I recruit people.

I recruit people to:

  • run marathons
  • turn their lives inside out 
  • take chances
  • try
  • travel
  • try something new.
There are other people like me in this world too. We are the "pied pipers". Come. Follow us. It will be fun.

The woman whom got me involved with CCI (the puppy organization) was a recruiter in a different lifetime too. She recruited nurses and doctors. (I also found out recently she had been a camp counselor in a previous life - I knew we were really living our lives in parallel universes).

She "recruited" me into this organization. We know each other from working out at the same club.

Brodie has been with us a month today.

Another lady from the club (whom I actually also know from Hawaii) texted me today. She and her husband signed up for a puppy today.

My neighbors down the street just called the organization about doing this to have their son make this decision for his senior project next year.

Two other families on the hockey team are seriously considering signing up. 

Hope CCI knew what they were doing when they signed us up.

Recruiting for good causes every day......

Saturday, October 31, 2015


Seasonal Affective Disorder - basically, you get sad at the same time every year. (Click on the link for the real definition)

This term bothers me.

First of all:  Affective - I think they just wanted to come up with an acronym that worked.

Why would it be Affective? It's A MADE UP WORD!

Of course, it is a made up word. Made up by people whom need to tell us something is wrong with us.

Nolan is taking a Psychology class. He was reviewing different disorders: alcoholism, addiction, depression, SAD, etc

We were reviewing them for his test.

We got to SAD and he said: you have SAD.

I replied, "what makes you think that."

"You get sad during the winter."

"Explain", I say.

"You aren't the mom you usually are."

"Do you think this from your whole life, or did it start after Hawaii?"

"Oh, it was definitely Hawaii." "You love your life here, but you can tell, you love it there."

"Still?", I reply

He just smiles at me. Tilts his head and nods.

Hmm, I think. I thought I was better at hiding things.....

Friday, October 30, 2015

Set your eyes on a goal

On Tuesday, I was invited to a luncheon.

Lunch with a bunch of people I would have not normally had lunch with. It was a "Women's Event".

Where did all these women come from? was all I could think. Society women. Women from family money. Women from a nice background. Women with husbands whom did really well or came from some good money.

No - I'm not being "stereotypical". I did not know ONE person there at another table. I've lived in Denver for close to 20 years. I should have known ONE person there.

This was not a business event.

This was a "luncheon" to raise money for underprivileged children to attend private schools k - 12. An opportunity for them to at least level the playing field. They organization does not give full scholarships. The family must meet in the middle.

The average income for the scholarship recipient's family is $35,000 - for a family of 4.

A scholarship recipient spoke. She spoke how her mom had the drive to do better and make her kids do better.

I could relate.

At one point in my life I would have qualified for that scholarship.

There are SO many opportunities out there in life. People don't know they are there.

A couple of years ago, I was carpooling to a wedding. One of the women in my car went on and on about how the girls don't know there are resources at their finger tips.

I corrected her - no one knows. My sons have NO idea how to make this college thing happen. It's something that is just "going to happen".

But, nothing is ever going to change if you don't have the "fire in your belly" to keep you going.

Missy Franklin (4 gold medal winner) spoke at the luncheon.

What I came away with from the lunch with Missy:
  • She could have cared less if she was the best. 
  • She loves/loved to swim
  • She made the point of telling us how much fun she always had
  • She told us about the opportunities that believing had taught her
Her parents couldn't afford her private school education. Her Aunt paid for it. She found her faith in high school (who the hell can say that?)

Her goal?

Can I do what I love and make things better for other people? 

I remember a girl I knew who loved to swim. She didn't know it came with swimming and the chance to shine.  And I miss a little girl whom should be swimming with you, next year Missy. 

Her dreams weren't that big. Mine weren't either.

We are here for you. No matter the goal.

We all need heroes. Hometown heroes will always be the best. 

Thanks for being our hero. 

See you in Rio. #Gomissygo #misssyfranklin