Would you try to "one up them"? (Do something better than what they were planning?)
Would you do the same thing they were planning on doing? Only try and do it better?
Maybe it's always been this way. Maybe the last generation thought the same thought - just applied to different situations.
I'm talking today about the gender/race equality/inequality.
Years from now, the above statement will have a few more "/" marks. A few years ago it might have just been gender equality/inequality.
I don't know. That wasn't "my" generation.
I'm female. I was also born in a time where I could grow up to be anything I wanted to be. I was never told "girls don't do that". Actually, I probably was, it was more said like "that's not very ladylike".
It's been great. Sorta. Except now we are all expected to do it all.
Whatever happened to roles? You know - you do this, I'll do that? Making a team. You pay defense, I'll play offense for the sports enthusiast out there. I'll do my part. You do yours.
Now, I would still define "my generation" as the transitional generation.
Our parents changed the "rules" of society.
I'm all about change. Sorta.
But, if you are going to change the rules. Make them public. Then move forward.
Recently, I was talking to this woman whom thought the guy at the other end of the room was very handsome. We spoke for a bit. Then she had to leave.
I went to give him her number. As it's always easier to do things for other people. No risk of self humiliation.
He asked why she didn't come over herself. She is attractive, but I'm not calling someone whom wouldn't even come introduce herself to me.
All I could think was:
- All those years of thinking someone didn't like me - they liked me, they just weren't brave
- Oh, so, you are shy too
- Someone told you, if HE doesn't make the move. He's not that in to you.
- Wow - and all these years I was thinking they weren't attracted to me - turns out, I was braver than them.
I have two teenage boys. "They" tell us, the girls today are more aggressive. "The girls" go after who and what they want."
Listen boys, they told us girls the same thing years ago.
They are all lying.
I've been a teen-age girl. I have teen-age boys. It will work. It won't work.
By that, I mean, what works for you. Don't look at the other teams "plans" - they could be fake ones.You could play for a different team. A team that hasn't even been born yet. By team, I mean idea. Maybe it's a different sport. Maybe, you are creating your own rules.
In fact, you could come up with a plan better than theirs. Just tell someone else your plan. There is much to be said for telling everyone aka the other team - your plan.
Trust me on this one.