Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sure, that's great

We had this great, incredible, wonderful time in Europe.  And you know, the very first question from EVERYONE is?  Are you going back to Hawaii???

Yes, we get:  did you enjoy your trip?  How did Lily get to go with you?  SO, what's next???

Are you still going to Hawaii this summer?

It breaks my heart.  All of it.  The fact that we aren't going back and the fact that still that is the first question asked.

We broke up.  We have to break up.  For now.  At least, me and Hawaii.

But you know what happens, some how, some place, someone begins to root for the under-dog.  The one against all odds.

Yes - that's great you went to Europe.  It's great that your kids went with you.  It's great that you ran a marathon.  BUT, what about Hawaii?  What about your summers?  Are you going back??

I guess I'm not the only one whom knows when someone else is in love.  That Europe thing - that was nice. distractions are always good.  Much like the young boyfriend whom distracts you from your mission. It was fun. That was adventurous, but us readers know, it didn't fill your soul.

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