Monday, July 6, 2015


Within the past 13 months, I've been to the DMV exactly THREE times.

I don't think I've been to the DMV three times previous to this in the entire 23 years I've lived in Colorado - TOTAL.

You can re-new your license online these days. Well, I could this last time it expired. It's now good for another 10 years. I think at that point, they make me come in for a new picture - as at that point my picture will be approximately 18 or so years old... Hopefully, I will still look like that picture! (HA!)

Duncan turned 16, but was just past 16 and a half when he got his license. Nolan was right on time. Which meant last June, Duncan received his license. Nolan got his permit three weeks later and I was back on his birthday with him to renew get his license.

On record, this was the shortest trip ever to the DMV. We were in and out of there in 50 minutes.

Oh wait, maybe I meant this was the fastest 16 years of my entire life.

What? No more carpool?

No more late night hockey pick up?

No more shuttling to practices? Driving to school?

I realize he's the second and some of these "duties" have already fallen by the way.

Although, both last year and this year, the person at the DMV gave the boys a little speech:

(and I'm paraphrasing here)

Driving is a HUGE responsibility. Your parents have signed this form saying they will be held liable for whatever you do when you are driving until you turn 18. Do you understand? And they can also take this away from you at anytime until you turn 18. You need to respect this privilege.

Both boys said yes.

Okay, your time with me is now done." , says the guy behind the counter at the DMV. "You may go get your picture taken."

I don't remember this speech when I got my drivers license. I'm sure they won't either.

I do know, I'll remember it this time.

I think he was still about the license.

I think he was still talking to Nolan.

And just for the record, I made it to the bathroom before I had my meltdown.

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