Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Window Washer

Every year - usually just before Mother's Day - a guy shows up at my house and offers to wash the windows.

He will take the screens off.  Wash the screens AND the windows - all for $20.  I usually try to give him at least $30 - depending on how much cash I have around.  You have to give him a bucket and a bit of soap.

My windows looks great.  He doesn't always wipe the place on the bottom - between the screen and the pane, but hey, I'm only paying $20.

Some years he stops by twice.  Other years, he doesn't stop by at all.  This year, he stopped by today - a few months later than normal.  He even commented how dirty my windows were.

He puts on his music.  I usually give him a bottle of water.

The thing you CAN"T do?  Engage in a conversation with him.

Truth be told, I think he's homeless.  Or least doesn't live like the rest of us.  He noticed my iPhone and asked "is that one of those phone/music things?"  I didn't mention the camera too.

He's clean.  He does not smell like alcohol.  He works a honest days pay.  He goes house to house asking if he can wash their windows.

The first time I let him wash the windows was probably 5 years ago - at LEAST.

We don't let him in the house.  He keeps offering to clean a couple of the windows inside, that he can't get from the outside, but we say no thank you.  I make sure the boys aren't home with him alone.

A few years ago, I was telling a friend of mine about my window washer.  She told me, the next time he stops by, bring him to my house.

She has a two story house.  I think her bill was $40 dollars.  I'm sure she paid him $50.

We just had the conversation a few weeks ago regarding "William the Window Washer" and how he hadn't shown up this year.

Low and behold, he showed up today.  She's out of town with her son visiting a university.  I'll met the window washer at her house tomorrow - I forgot to call her husband today, letting him know someone was coming by to clean the windows.

When I sent her the text "I know you are out of town, but the window washer is here!".  I know I literally skipped when I saw him coming up the walk!

What a deal.  And more than that, here is someone whom is a limited in his mental capacity, yet being productive to society.

I don't ask more as he seems to talk to the space behind you.  But, he cleans my windows.  He cleans my friends windows.  He is clean he shows up once or so a year.

When you manage your expectations of other people in life - he exceeds them every time.....

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